
All technical data presented represent typical results, unless stated otherwise as min/max values.
No guarantee is made that material will meet exactly the values shown.

Pellet Press

These parts are used for making pellet-typed electrodes for Lithium-ion batteries.

Pellet Press

  1. Place the cylinder on the pedestal
  2. Put a mold and electrode-material in the cylinder.
  3. Put another mold and the press rod.
  4. Place the set in a press-machine, and press it.
  5. After pressing it, turn the pedestal over and press again as No.4 for taking out the electrode.

Please specify the following information:

  • The diameter of the electrode
  • The specifications of press-machines used (maximum power, heat or non-heat, available space, etc)
  • Minimum particle size of the sample used

The size and the weight vary depending on the specifications above.

Application: Advanced energy
Product type: Hand tools
Production scale: Lab

TEL: 201-507-3300   •  UMC Pred 160 Chubb Avenue, Suite 206  Lyndhurst, NJ 07071 USA •    Email: John Braun; Tom Kocovic


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